Our first stop was Seabreeze Church. In spite of their size, their building was fairly simple, having been converted from a raquetball club. It was nice to see the easily identifiable check in areas outside, which is something you can get away with in southern California.

Stop number two was First Christian Church of Huntington Beach. I had been to FCC once before, but they have built and remodeled their areas. Each room has a particular theme: Treehouse, TechHouse, Lighthouse, etc.

The third stop was Beachpoint Church. This location was memorable for two reasons: first of all, the tour bus had difficulties navigating the difference in height between the street and the driveway to the church. There is nothing quite like hearing the "rumble, rumble, scrape" sound of bumper on pavement. But the second reason Beachpoint was so memborable is that the facility is so incredibly simple in design, but the children's pastor can instantly rattle off names, likes, dislikes, and interests of the individual children in her ministry. And the point is simple...it's not the wow pizzazz of facilities that counts in children's ministry...it's relationships!

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