Friday, June 18, 2021


Yeah, so that's happening . . . .

What follows is a short, spontaneous rattling of a few things off the top of my head. If some of it makes no sense, it might be because it lacks careful, deliberate thought and editing. And keep in mind also, these are little snapshots of the moment. Next week, I might be feeling or thinking differently. You've been warned.

*Swimming pools. When they reach the level of sparkling blue bliss, they are a wonderful addition to one's back yard.  But getting there is not half the fun. Scrubbing, sweeping, vacuuming, scooping. Engaging in a delicate balance of chemistry that would make Walter White proud, adding pounds and gallons of stuff to bring these numbers up and bring these numbers down in order to maintain a safe environment and visual appeal of what often looks like a swamp. And, of course, there is the equipment, the failure of which will set back all the progress being made within a very short time. Yeah, so that's happening . . . .

*Father's Day is almost here. The most interesting gift I ever got for Father's Day is when my daughters took a Monopoly game and changed everything on it to "Dadopoly." What was so amazing is that they incorporated "dadisms" and hobbies and interests to such an extent that it could have been manufactured by the company itself. What also impressed me is that, in order to nail all my habits and idiosyncrasies, my kids were watching me all these years. There's a lesson for fatherhood in there. So that's happening . . . .

*I don't particularly enjoy musicals as a genre, but it's safe to say that I enjoy some of the music from musicals. Lately, I have been watching songs and covers from various shows. A few songs from Hamilton, Wicked, Les Misérables, and even a couple of Gilbert and Sullivan productions. Some of them are very inspirational and motivating, especially when the song transcends the immediate setting of the story.  And I particularly like to see covers of these songs from either different professional artists, or just ordinary people with extraordinary talent. During those quiet moments within the whole study, writing, preparing continuum, I'll click on some videos, just to get my brain stimulated. So that's happening . . . .

*If I could ever start my own business, I know who I want to hire. Not in general, but the specific people. I would pay them well, respect their work, and value them highly. I would expect their best work and their loyalty. Did I mention I would pay them well? I don't know if recruiting people for a company that does not exist, for jobs that are not determined, and for great pay that exists only in my mind is weird, but might as well start somewhere. So that's happening . . . . (the idea, not the business itself!).

So what's happening with you?

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