Wednesday, June 23, 2021

CHURCH REPORT FOR JUNE 20, 2021: We Got Cookies!

Disclaimer (because someone will say something): although I am actively involved in my church, all opinions and observations are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the leadership, staff, or congregation.


How does a nice guy like me end up with a special, hand-selected bag of cookies AND a belt-clippable tape measure that ensured me that I am loved beyond measure?

Well, I went to church on Father's Day! And there, waiting in the foyer, was a container with the aforementioned cookies and another container with a full supply of tape measures! The note on the tape measure said "You are loved beyond measure," while the other side was a quote from 1 Timothy 6:11: "But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness." What a great way to start the morning!

After a good Adult Bible Study (in which we finished off the first half of Romans 6), my wife and I decided to enjoy the service in the comfort of the Fireside Room. Usually, there are a few other folks in there with us, but this time, we were all by ourselves. Not counting the people in the foyer. And the auditorium full of people just outside the door.

We started a brand new series in the book of Daniel. I've always enjoyed Daniel--it is a rich and exciting book. Mike Bull gave the overview of the book (in a message entitled--you guessed it--"Overview of Daniel"). He gave us a rundown of the historical background of the book and its main themes and characters. He pointed out that Daniel is often blasted by critics, but there are answers to those attacks.

Overall, Daniel considers the question of how we live faithful lives to God while living in Babylon. And of course, the bottom line of the book is that it isn't about us, it's about God. 

There was a little sadness this day as well, as one of our longstanding church members passed away after a long fight with cancer. He passed on Saturday, making the Sunday Father's Day observance a little bittersweet. The father of a friend of ours from church also passed a couple of weeks ago. I'm reminded of the Scripture which encourages us not to, "sorrow, but as those who have no hope" (1 Thessalonians 4:13).

While Mike's message wasn't directly about this, it did contain hope---hope in the great God who brought Daniel into Babylon and works daily in my life.

So how was your church service this weekend?

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