Tuesday, June 08, 2021

CHURCH REPORT FOR JUNE 6, 2021: Far But Near

Disclaimer (because someone will say something): although I am actively involved in my church, all opinions and observations are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the leadership, staff, or congregation.


I left the church service early (for reasons that would require another blog post (or more). But that did not stop the day from being a good one.

As usual, my Sunday began with the 9:00 Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study. I've been facilitating this group for many, many years and it is truly one of the highlights of my week. It is a semi-in-depth study, full of questions and observations. As a result, some sections take much longer than others. In our case, we are studying Romans, which is an amazing and DEEP letter. We just started chapter 6 a couple of weeks ago and this Sunday we finished with verse 5! We (and by "we," I mean "I") went a little past our time in order to finish the particular section.  When that happens, the sound of the gathering flock outside the door can get a little distracting.  And they were getting loud.

After getting my equipment packed up (I use a laptop for PowerPoint slides, plus a video camera to record the lesson for our church YouTube channel), I prepared to leave. But I was overjoyed to see an old friend pay a visit. I was also full of joy, but sadness, to be able to talk to another old friend who was back in church since losing a loved one. Lots of hugs and tears. And as I probably observed before, this is what "church" looks like.

If there is a proverbial "golden lining" to the cloud of having to leave early, it's that our church releases our services online. So as soon as it was uploaded, I watched the service from afar. 

The moderator of the elder board began by reading a letter concerning the search for a pastoral candidate in anticipation of Pastor Dick's eventually retirement. No panic, it won't be for awhile, but it is best to start the process early. 

Then came worship through song. There was a funny part (or I thought it was funny): I saw someone with very long arms and apparently sitting toward the back near the camera, raising their hands in praise and very nearly blocking the view!

Mike Bull (the pastor's son, our "assistant to the pastor," and the aforementioned candidate) was our speaker today. He continued our series in Ezekiel 38-39, the battle of Gog and Magog. There was a lot of good application and encouragement in the message. I don't agree with Mike's "take" on Gog and Magog, as he tends to approach prophetical books from a "covenant theology" framework, but I will glean the wheat from the chaff and leave the disagreements for another time and place. 

After partaking of the Lord's Supper and the second set of worship songs, the service dismissed. 

I'm fortunate to work at the place in which I also worship, so I'm usually aware of what's happening. But for those times I have to step out, I'm glad we have some modern tech to help me feel like I'm "there."

So, how was your church service this weekend?

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