Monday, July 16, 2012


There is a certain percentage of children's ministers, workers, and parents out there who already know and love the performers I'm about to highlight.  For those who have never heard of them or their music, they are worth a check.  The neat thing is that these groups involve their own families.

Rob Biagi

from the Rob Biagi website

Rob has travelled all over the country and in many parts of the world making music for kids and their families.  His wife Kathleen choreographs the songs and Rob's son and daughters frequently perform with him on stage. 

I've had the honor of meeting Rob a couple of times at the Children's Pastors' Conference in San Diego, as well as attending one of his workshops.  He is genuine in his passion for the Lord and ministry. If this is your first exposure to Rob Biagi, then I recommend going to the website, exploring the content (he's got samples!), and then picking up some resources.

Justin Graves Band

from the Justin Graves website
Hailing from the great state of Texas, Justin and his family perform in churches and venues throughout the United States.  I first heard Justin, Michelle, and Gabi at CPC in San Diego and was instantly blessed by their simple, yet profound worship and praise.  I met Justin at his booth later on and was impressed by his humbleness and desire to lead people in worship.

I woke up this morning with "Strong and Courageous" going through my head, so you know that Justin's music has "sticking" power.  Go to the website listed above, check out the pictures and videos, and get hooked up with some great music.

One last note: both Justin and Rob are on Facebook as well as YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! This is Rob Biagi's assistant, Noelle. Thanks for spreading the word about Rob's music! We are in the process of booking his 2013 Tours. If anyone is interested in having Rob come do a Family Concert at their church please contact me!
    Keep Rockin' for Jesus!
