Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I'm often asked why I enjoy the Children's Pastor's Conference so much. Unless you are in this grand adventure called "children's ministry" and unless you've been to a CPC, it's kind of hard to explain. The typical expression about drinking out of the proverbial fire hydrant is close to the truth, but even that fails to account for what I take away from CPC each year I go. The workshops, the general sessions with the overwhelming worship and great speakers, and the opportunity to meet and fellowship with others who share a passion for children's ministry makes it all worth it.

Up high, looking down on the courtyard where we are welcomed to CPC

The resource center, where we can meet, greet, get information, buy stuff, and even get a freebie or two (or dozen)

Preschool favorite Miss Patty Cake!

The high adventure superhero known as Bibleman (Bibleman is the one on the right, just in case you were having trouble telling the difference).

On Tuesday night, I was honored to be a part of an informal Kidology gathering at one of the resteraunts here at the convention center. Kidology is an online resource network that is packed with helpful articles, ideas, and a discussion forum. Several Kidology members were at the CPC and so we got together for some soft drinks and discussion. It was great to finally put names and flesh-n-blood faces together with men and women I've interacted with on the computer. If any Kidology members are reading this, it was great to meet you all!

Karl Bastian, the Kidologist

And one final picture...

This picture is for the benefit of my co-workers and co-laborers back home at EPCBC. They think they know me sooooooo well as to know whether I ate this or not. Yeah...they think they know me soooooooo well. Sooooooooo well. Uh-huh!

Okay, I didn't eat it....but you think you know me sooooooooo well! Huh? I'm going to bed!


  1. wow, you got to meet Miss Patty Cake?? That's pretty sweet.

  2. I know you didn't eat that. I would have.

  3. mmm hmmm....soooooo well :-)

    Actually, you may be surprised at what I did eat. Of course, then again, you may not when you find out how I ate it.

  4. It was great to finally meet you too! Keep in touch my fellow bloggin' brother!

  5. Hey bro,

    It was wonderful to meet you at CPC. Take care!
