Sunday, February 10, 2008

WORKING PAPERS 2: Leadership of Children's Ministries Director

A few days ago, I began sharing the results of some times of prayer and thought, trying to clarify just what I was and wanted to be as a children's ministries director. Last year brought some uncertainties to the ministry in which I have functioned for over a decade. I don't know what this year will bring, but in the meantime, I've tried to re-envision some things. Again, this is not earth-shattering, ground-breaking territory. Our team has heard most of these principles at one time or another. What is different is the presentation and maybe the passion behind it. As my senior pastor likes to say, "This will preach!"

My last installment had to do with our Sunday morning program (called "Sunday Morning Celebration"). Today, I'd like to share what the Children's Ministries Director in our church does in terms of leadership and his relationship to the whole scope of individual children's ministries.
The Leadership and Relationship of the Children's Ministries Director to the Different Children's Ministries
in Sunday Morning Celebration
to our ministry leaders, coordinators, and volunteers
  • LEARNING about what and why they do what they do, respecting the Lord's leading in their individual ministries
  • LISTENING to their questions, comments, and needs
  • LIFTING them by providing resources, prayer, counsel, and encouragement as able and as needed
  • LOVING them as they practice love for the children of our church and community
to our ministries
  • COMMUNING regularly at various levels with leaders and volunteers in formal and informal gatherings
  • CONTRIBUTING to the success of each ministry by providing training, education, and equipping opportunities
  • CREATING, as the Spirit leads, awareness of improved ministry procedures and methodologies
  • CONNECTING the individual ministries into a coherent whole
  • COMMUNICATING the activities, philosophies, vision, and ministry of our children's department to the congregation and community

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