Disclaimer (because someone will say something): although I am actively involved in my church, all opinions and observations are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the leadership, staff, or congregation.
CHURCH REPORT FOR October 31, 2021
Ahhhh, Reformation Day, October 31, 2021. The day Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the Wittenberg Door in Germany, an event that triggered the Reformation.
Oh, yeah, it's that other day too. Hallo...something. More on that in a second.
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study was back in full swing after our missionary break last week. We began the second half of Romans 8 with a section about groaning. We looked at how all creation is groaning. Next time, we'll start with believers groaning, followed by the Holy Spirit groaning. Who would have thought groaning could be so exciting?
Pastor Dick brought the message from Joel entitled "Wake Up!" There were two parts to the book: The Day of the Locusts and the Day of the Lord. I remember telling a group of preschoolers that a locust was a grasshopper with a bad attitude. And the swarm attacking Israel was indeed that. But there was coming another swarm--the Assyrians--and they would foreshadow something even worse.
My favorite quote from the message was, "Demons don't flee at the name of a denomination, but at the name of Jesus." What a great truth! No matter what tribulation may come, we can and should walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, being filled or controlled by the Spirit day by day, moment by moment.
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photo courtesy of Alex Grichenko |
So October closes and November starts. And as prophetic trends unfold around us, we have to wonder if the return of Jesus is near. Stay tuned.
So, how was your church service this weekend?
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