The word "church" refers to an "assembly of called out ones." Sometimes, due to pressing concerns, the "called out ones" have to show their "church-ness" in other ways. It is not ideal, it is not preferable, and, if done too long or made habitual, it can even be detrimental to the individual member and to the local body as a whole.
But because of ongoing concerns about the appearance of covid within our congregation, the elders, after meeting and discussing and deliberating and debating, and, most of all, praying and searching the Scriptures, came to the incredibly difficult decision to pause our in-person worship service this Sunday.
One of the "good things" that came from last year's outbreak is that it pushed us into making our services available online. It wasn't a live stream, but a pre-recorded service that we released at 10 a.m. The very first service we did, back in March of 2020 was a disaster. Not the service--it was fine. But because of the huge demand at 10 a.m. and the limits of our own knowledge of the technology, the site crashed. Ahh, memories...
Well, we still offer the services online (usually released Monday) and they serve a need for folks who cannot attend on a given Sunday or who were here, but missed the service (kids workers, service & safety team, and others--SA-LUTE!).
So, back to the subject: last Sunday, pausing in-person service. . .

So the message went on at 10. And dozens of "called out ones"--some, no doubt, in their jammies or finishing breakfast or brunch, or laying on the couch with their tablet--worshipped the Lord through the Word. For one Sunday, we paused an in-person service for an on-line service. Was it preferable, was it ideal, was it the best? No, but as a good friend of mine is fond of saying, "it is what it is."
Here's to the return of the actual assembly of the called-out ones. Pray for those who are sick with covid and pray for all of us who are sick of covid. And pray that our focus, our hope, our trust be ever in the Lord.
And how was your church service this weekend? Did you take any special measures in light of health concerns or local regulations? Let us know in the comments below (be nice! This is not the forum for a debate or argument).
Disclaimer (because someone will say something): although I am actively involved in my church, all opinions and observations are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the leadership, staff, or congregation.
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