Sunday, July 17, 2005

VBS 2005 is now history

We did it!
Actually the Lord did it, but He chose to use us. I'm talking, of course, about Vacation Bible School, one of the big highlights of the year at our church. Our theme this year was "Serengeti Trek" from Group Publishing. Group usually has a good program and outstanding music and this year was no exception. The kids learned how to KNOW GOD, TALK TO GOD, TELL ABOUT GOD, LOVE GOD, and WORK FOR GOD. Through the music and skits and Bible dramas, onward through the snacks and games and crafts...every element every night was designed to re-emphasize the daily Bible points and verses. Each night, the kids were able to choose a "Daily Challenge", a practical expression of the lessons learned. As they completed these challenges, leaves were added to a tree. It was all a beautiful expression of service to the Lord. Another expression was the missions offering: over $230 raised. It was a fun experience.
The title of this blog includes the name "KidServants", so I need to mention the incredible, phenomenal team of KidServants who put VBS together this year. Each year, they sacrifice their time, energy, and creativity to minister to these children. I am humbled by their service and grateful that they made themselves available to the Lord for this work.
Lastly, I need to mention the W. family (I won't give out their full name, but they know who they are). Mrs. W. is our children's ministries secretary and really kept me hopping through the process. Mr. W, whose work schedule would crush most mortal men, devoted hours in the evenings to painting backdrops and setting up decorations, along with his wife. If you are reading this, W. family, please know that you are a very precious asset to our children's ministries and I love and appreciate you.
I've already had several people ask about next summer. We will get to that soon enough....but first, we all need a well deserved nap.....Glory to God.

1 comment:

  1. Good Job!! I just finished with VBS last Thursday and BOY was it a job and a half! I always thought coordinating would be easy and I learned my lesson, but good! Have a great week and now REST!!!
