I'm waiting.
I'm waiting for the day someone comes up to me and says, "Hey, buddy, can you give me a reason for the hope that is in you?" And with meekness and fear, I'll give an answer or defense.
Yup, I'll be ready.
One of the most heart pounding verses I have ever read was 1 Peter 3:15: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear." This verse and Jude 3 ("contend earnestly for the faith") get my debater pulse pinging. I love the study of apologetics. It has strengthened my faith, sharpened my reasoning, and enabled me to help others discern truth from error. At one time, I wanted to get my Masters in Apologetics ('cuz, after all, it looks great on a resume when looking for a second job!). I will not give up examining Christian evidences, reasons for faith, answers to skeptics, Biblical principles on today's societal issues, and life applications in light of Scriptural truths. Christianity is a reasonable faith: I know what I believe and why I believe it.
But lately, I've come to the conclusion that sometimes the best defense may be no defense at all. It's not that there is no answer available. It's not that I cannot or will not lay a Bible perspective on a social issue on social media, or respond with a letter to the editor when items which touch on Biblical matters are trashed. But amazingly, not everybody is asking for my opinion. Some people and groups are hostile to the historic Christian faith. Some are frustrated by hypocrisy, both real and perceived. And some people and groups just don't care, settling for a blissful ignorance. And while I am fully prepared and willing to use Christian evidences (and will continue to do so), I'm finding that, to an increasing number of people, such tactics are like foam darts on a steel hull.
You see, something I tend to miss is that sometimes, instead of waiting for someone to ask me about the hope that is in me, I just kind of lead off with the debate. I miss the fact that in the 1 Peter 3 passage, I'm giving a defense because someone asked me about the hope that is in me. So I have to ask myself: is my Christian life authentic enough that people see hope oozing from the cracks to the point they want to know more? Few people have asked me for 10 reasons to support the inspiration of Scripture or a list of the many infallible proofs for the resurrection of Christ. But even fewer have asked about the hope that is in me.
As I've reassured folks in this post, I'll still use evidences whenever I can. But I'm thinking too that sometimes, it might just be better to be silent and let my life be my apologetic.