I am unapologetic in the structured use of media to minister to children. Of course, there are those who would disagree:
- "Kids are watching too much tv today."
- "I don't allow my kids to watch cartoons."
- "Church isn't a place for entertainment."
- "Passive activity is bad for kids...bad, bad, bad!"
- "Back in my day, we had....flannelgraph!" And on it goes.
I don't intend to get into a point by point refutation of the these statements, because I think there might be some legitimate concerns hidden within some of them. Yes, kids watch a lot of television today. Yes, plopping the children in front of the tv just to have them soak up cartoons for hours is not healthy. But what the above points fail to address is the idea that technology and media are tools that, when used properly, can be very effective in getting our message across. To borrow a time-worn cliche, let's not throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater.
Yes, I know, media can be abused. It can be abused by the world, and it can overused by the church. That's a fair point. After all, children's ministry is about relationships, not gadgets and gizmos. But to many kids (except maybe those coming from a highly sheltered background), the "wow" of video and technology is the "cup of cold water" that can serve as the catalyst to build those relationships and to introduce or strengthen the ultimate relationship: the one with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Don't be afraid. It can start with a television or a video screen.
After all, flannelgraph was once "new technology" too.