I was going through some files the other day, when I ran across some stunning pictures of our church building, taken from up high...way up high. It looks like an early fall day in southern Oregon, and with the bright sunshine and tree-lined streets, it looks like a page from a travel guide to smaller American cities
(and I would be lax in my duties as a citizen of said city if I didn't point out that we are one of the fastest growing cities in the state).
Notice the steeple. That and the part of the building to which it is attached, were originally built in the early 1900's. The rest has been added on through the years.
A little higher now.
And way high. The church building is just a little left of center. The big building behind it belongs to the school district and includes a gymnasium and classrooms. It used to be part of the middle school, but an early morning fire wiped out much of the property (which is why it looks like vacant fields to the right...that all used to be buildings!) One of the miracles of that morning was that our church building, located just across a narrow alley, was totally untouched.