Tuesday, June 15, 2021

CHURCH REPORT FOR JUNE 13, 2021: Outside In

Disclaimer (because someone will say something): although I am actively involved in my church, all opinions and observations are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the leadership, staff, or congregation.


As always, my Sunday morning began with the 9:00 Adult Bible Study. We've been going through Romans and, as I mentioned in the class, we're moving at the speed of the Holy Spirit, which means we sometimes only get to one or two verses. Discussions, questions, "rabbit trails," and laughter all contribute to what is a very enjoyable 45 minutes. But in-depth diving into the text does not always mean moving forward a chapter at a time. 

This week, however, we went a little further in chapter 6, emphasizing the point the apostle Paul makes in the chapter that we are dead to sin and alive to God. Good group too (but then it always is...shout out to the folks in the class: if you're reading this, thank you for ministering to me each week!)

I hung out in the foyer for the main service. It's always risky doing that, because there are folks chatting, visiting, or walking through. So if it's so distracting, why do I do it? Three reasons: 1) Sometimes, when I'm putting away my gear from the ABS, I don't get into the main sanctuary in time to grab a "good seat." Granted, nobody would care if I stepped over them, but I don't want to be a distraction. 2) Sometimes, I check and make sure the sound and video on our monitor screens is working right. Nobody asked me to do it, it's just something I do to report on the service from a "layman's" perspective. 3) The main reason is because I really want to get into the sermon. I take notes on the message and sometimes, I'm looking up other references. And it is a lot easier to do this when I can spread my Bible, note sheet, note pad, and cell phone with the Bible app on a flat surface, as the little tables in the foyer provide. 

In the sanctuary or in the foyer, we have a cool praise and worship team. Every week, they bring newer and older songs in what, in my opinion, is a good blend. The service is divided into two song sets, sandwiching the message in the middle. Not my favorite arrangement, but it's growing on me. 

Pastor Dick finished up the book of Ezekiel this morning with a sweeping look at chapters 40-48 in a message entitled "Holy Ground." I loved the main theme of the message; namely, 48:35 that the name of the city is "THE LORD IS THERE." God will never leave us, nor forsake us. How evident is it that I know and believe the Lord is with me?  Good application.

If I could call out one observation: this was not a deep verse-by-verse examination of the millennial temple and its worship. Obviously, because covering nine chapters in 30-40 minute time span would be extremely difficult. I also got the impression that Pastor did not want to wade into some of the controversies surrounding the interpretation of these passages. I'm not talking about compromising, but about choosing the battle to emphasize. Zeroing in on the Lord's abiding presence with His people in all generations was THE point he chose to drive home. Cannot argue with that.

Would I have tackled Ezekiel 40-48 differently? Probably--and it might have been a two hour message! But now that we are finished with Ezekiel, it's time to head into Daniel, with its dreams and visions and eschatology and all sorts of exciting stuff. I can hardly wait.

And how was your church service this weekend?.

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