As I sit here and write this blog (my first in several days), I can't help and reflect on the last couple of weeks. So, for your information...this is the week (or two) that was:
JURY DUTY. It's funny, but when it comes to some things like patriotism, I am very idealistic. When I got my summons, I had all the typical reactions ("what an inconvenience!" "I don't know what to do!", etc.). But a part of me was rather excited about the opportunity to "do my civic duty."
I reported on a Tuesday and sat in a big room with 398 of my closest friends. This was "orientation". A judge came in and explained the history of the judicial system in general and juries in particular. It was very interesting. Then the jury coordinator came up and explained to us that between the hours of 8 and 9, the lawyers and judges go through assorted motions and that some of the trials scheduled that day may not happen. And then... the moment of truth: all the trials went away!.
Day Two was a "report by phone" day. I did so the night before and the nice recording told me my number was not needed.
Day Three was "tag, you're it" day. I called the night before and my number was on the list. So I reported to the big room and waited until the baliff called roll. After roll, he called another set of numbers (not mine!) and told them that their trial had gone away and they could go home. The rest of us had to report to the courtroom. We followed the baliff to the courtroom, sat in our assigned seats, then were called one at a time to sit in the jury box and overflow sections. The judge gave us instructions and then the two attorneys asked us questions. It was an interesting flow of opinion and speculation, but finally, the two attorneys started making their eliminations. About three or four jurors had been sent home when the judge called my name and told me I was excused. Since three days is the length of jury service, that meant I was done. I learned a lot in my short time there.
CELEBRATION PREP. One of the biggest events of our Sunday School year is the "Roundup." Roundup is part pep rally, part homecoming, and part reunion. It's an exciting kick off to the new school year. We try really hard to make everything extra nice. Nothing to report, except that Roundup is tomorrow (Sunday) and due to the event described next, we aren't able to start setting up yet until later this evening. It makes things a little more hectic, but that's okay! Ministry is important enough to allow a little challenge!
FUNERAL SERVICE Last Sunday, my pastor asked me if I would do a funeral service today (Saturday). I agreed. It was a beautiful service...the woman was a believer and well regarded in the community. There was standing room only in the sanctuary and in the church foyer, testifying to this woman's faith. Sure, we can't start transforming the room into our Roundup environment until this other is over, but PRAISE GOD! the gospel was preached and lives were touched.
PRESCHOOL PREP. This is the last time I will write this (maybe!) Preschool (where I teach part time) starts tomorrow and I don't feel I am adquately prepared to impart educational concepts to the 4 year olds in my care. Who am I kidding...I'M NOT READY!! There...I feel much better now.
I will leave you with this: my newest philosophy is that I will not use the words or phrase, "It's going to be one of those days." I refuse to magnify the severity of my problems more than I magnify the goodness of God.